With the selection of excellent raw materials of the highest quality and purity as well as the improved development of its properties, we can offer a unique, the most advanced product with the best performance benefits that were impossible to achieve until now.
In addition, the LED technology reduces the curing time of all gels by 50% and the "anti-movie" technology allows the sculpting gel sculpting work by realizing the 5 fingers of the hand before curing, which reduces the time of professional work between 30% and 45%.
With this new formula, the best physical properties and optimal adhesion to the natural nail are achieved. These unique properties guarantee a certain comfort.
The entire Premium range is acid-free and has a flexible texture that does not break or crumble, very similar to the natural nail.
It does not create air bubbles neither in the handling nor in the application of the product, so that the modeling is perfect, clear and net.
Thanks to its high flexibility, it provides better coverage than any other gel system.
These are not porous, neither moisture nor fungi can penetrate. They can not stain themselves with any type of dye or pigment.